org Property Tax Information Property tax bills are mailed out twice a year. They can be reached at (888) 249-5112 to order a roll away. , Otsego, MI 49078 | Phone: 269-694-9434 | [email protected]. McCoy Road in Gaylord. We use a 96 gallon roll away cart and collections are one Monday each month based on. orgPO Box 257 | 400 N. Site Map. Box 99 Waters, MI 49797 View Map Phone: 989-732-6929 Fax: 989-731-0926. Otsego Township was formed in 1836 and included the present day Dorr, Hopkins, Watson and Otsego Townships. orgSingle-stream recycling: everything goes in the same bin! Recycling in Drop-off Locations 1. Otsego Recycling North: 621 Garfield Street in Vanderbilt, Northeast of thePlease bring proof of residency to the transfer station. O. 16th St. Township trash or pick-up days include the following: Bagley Township: from 7 a. Recycling Services are available in Otsego Township. Hayes and Livingston townships. Click the link below to download the Otsego Township Recycling calendar, depot flyer, and list of acceptable. on June 3. Miscellaneous recycling of electronics, household waste, appliances, cardboard, metal, polystyrene (also known as styrofoam), and more is available during Allegan County. m. Where can I drop off recycling in Otsego? Recycling is becoming an intentional practice for more and more homeowners, businesses and communities. Recycling Information. 16th St. orgPO Box 257 | 400 N. We use Republic Recycling with 96 gallon roll away carts. m. , Otsego, MI 49078 | Phone: 269-694-9434 | [email protected] Township Curbside Recycling Route Delayed by Hauler Zone 3 Curbside Recycling (9/16) Delayed. OTSEGO TOWNSHIP Michigan US has battery recycling locations nearby where you can recycle almost all vehicle batteries. org Otsego Township Office is open from 8 am to 4 pm on Mondays through Thursdays and is closed on federal holidays. Otsego Recycling South 247 Old State Road across from the Otsego Lake Township Cemetery north of Waters, MI Half-mile east of the intersection of Old 27 South and Old State Road Otsego Recycling East 2932 Rock Road, Johannesburg, MI at the Charlton-Chester-Dover Transfer Station near the corner of M-32 East and Rock Road Otsego. Accessibility. To sign up for curbside recycling contact township hall or click here. Household Hazardous Waste Disposal, Electronics Recycling, and Scrap Tire Recycling will be conducted from 9 a. until 2 p. Otsego Lake County Park /QuickLinks. 16th St. 16th St. PO Box 257 | 400 N. Home. Otsego Recycling West: 71 Hayes Tower Road, Gaylord, 550 feet south of the M-32 and Hayes Tower Road intersection, just south of Hayes Township Hall 2. until 11 a. PO Box 257 | 400 N. Otsego Village was incorporated in 1865 and granted city status in 1918. Post Date: 09/16/2022 10:00 AM. These townships were legally separated in 1842. m. Dog Licenses; Passports; Hall Rental; Bulk. Link: Livingston Township Website Otsego Lake Township 10584 S Old 27 P. As the country's largest. PO Box 257 | 400 N. Helpful Links. For information on Otsego County's Drop-off Recycling Program, call the Otsego Conservation District at 989-732-4021. m. Republic Services notified Allegan County and Otsego Township late last night that the curbside recycling collection route for Zone 3 scheduled for Friday, September 16 will be delayed due to a. Otsego County Bus System. Township Board; Assessing; Tax Information; Voting & Elections; Water & Sewer; Cemeteries; Building, Planning, and Zoning; FOIA Information; Services. , Otsego, MI 49078 | Phone: 269-694-9434 | [email protected]. , Otsego, MI 49078 | Phone: 269-694-9434 | [email protected] Recycling Depot for Otsego Township Broken Arrow Depot (269-673-2062) at 1100 Lincoln Rd, Allegan, MI 49010 You will need to visit the township office to pick up a resource recovery card to drop off the. aspx. on July 8 at the Otsego County Road Commission, 669 W. , Otsego, MI 49078 | Phone: 269-694-9434 | [email protected]. . , Otsego, MI 49078 | Phone: 269-694-9434 | [email protected] Box 257 | 400 N. 16th St. Contact Us. All you have to do is drop off the battery and they’ll. PO Box 257 | 400 N. Otsego Township uses Republic Services as our recycling service provider. 16th St. , Otsego, MI 49078 | Phone: 269-694-9434 | [email protected]. Otsego County is contracted with GFL. orgOtsego Township Office is open from 8 am to 4 pm on Mondays through Thursdays and is closed on federal holidays. Charlton, Chester, Dover and Otsego Lake townships do not have a clean-up day planned for 2023. 16th St. Recycling is provided in Otsego County by a county wide millage There are several locations around the county and the West Recycle site is located just south of the Hayes.